Mindful Meowments

Join us for Mindfulness Practice with 6 BodhiCattvas

Monday, September 2, 2024
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Riverdale Rink House (9928- 92 St. NW, Edmonton, AB)

Please join us for some Mindful MeOwments!

We will have a litter of kittens joining us for a special afternoon of mindfulness practice! That’s right, 6 kittens - 6 true BodhiCATtvas - will be dancing around our zendo!

This will be a family practice and so children are very much welcome and encouraged.

Over the summer, a litter of young orphan kittens was discovered in a sangha member’s raspberry patch.  These dear kittens were adopted by some of our beloved sangha members and are now going to be reunited at this Going as a River kitten practice event. We are delighted to invite you to come and enjoy the present moment with the kittens’ freshness, playfulness, and joy.

Space is limited!

To reserve your spot please REGISTER BELOW
(Click on cat image below)

being human