Sister Tảo Nghiêm

Sister Tảo Nghiêm was born in Vietnam and moved to France in 2000 to study Economic Science and IT (Information Technology).

In 2009, with the global economic crisis, Sr. Tảo Nghiêm made a vow to practice mindfulness and was ordained as a novice with Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh in Plum Village, France.

Her deep aspiration as a nun is to spread the Dharma, plant the seeds of joy, love, and understanding everywhere to help people transform their suffering into peace and happiness.

She became a Dharma teacher in 2019 and currently lives in New Hamlet. Sr. Tảo Nghiêm enjoys playing with children, and teaching them mindfulness. She also loves practising calligraphy, playing sports, as well as being with nature, rain, and the ocean.