“If you are a drop of water,
then you will evaporate halfway;
but if you go as a river,
you will surely reach the ocean.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Going As A River Sangha | Edmonton

Going As A River Sangha Edmonton is a community of practice in the engaged Buddhist tradition of Venerable Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh (Thây).

The North Saskatchewan River flows through the city of Edmonton.

In Cree, Saskatchewan means ‘swift flowing river’ .

With gratitude, we acknowledge the privilege we have, to live & practice on Treaty 6 Territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Salteaux, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene & Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge our land ancestors - all the many first Nations, Metis, & Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries & we are committed to continue learning from & supporting these & other Indigenous communities.

Photo: @minnakouyate

Please join us in practice!

Please register if you plan on joining us.

Weekly Practice:

Riverdale Rinkhouse
9928 92 St NW
weekly Mondays 6:30 - 8:30pm

NOTE: There will be NO meetings on:
Dec 23rd & 30th, 2024

Please arrive 5-10 minutes early so that we may all be settled to begin on time.

Please visit our Practice Page for more info and details about our weekly practice schedule.

" Good spiritual friends are the whole of the practice. "
~ The Buddha